Warehouse Creation for Texas A&M studies

How do you test to see if workers are performing hazardous tests in the safest manner possible? You create a virtual warehouse full of industrial equipment that can be operated correctly or not and see how people react. This is the basis of the work we have been doing for Texas A&M’s Department of Environmental & Occupational Health. All These Worlds created and programmed the machinery in this virtual warehouse, which the Texas A&M researchers use for their studies. Several papers have come out of this work since 2017.

The Impact of Hazard Statement Design Characteristics in Procedures on Compliance
by Joseph Hendricks, Ph.D., S. Camille Peres, Ph.D., & Timothy Neville, Ph.D. (2018)
and An examination of the Changing Nature of Procedure Use and Adherence as Expertise is Developed over Time in a Virtual Reality Environment. (2019)
both published in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting

Some images of the warehouse